I love what I do. Really. And I’m happy at my job. Shit, I’m happy to have a job. But there are days, oh there are days. See, I went from a big mega-corp to a smaller (exponentially smaller) company. There’s not much process, they’re growing, etc. So there are times when I read an email from my manager spotlighting something “good” that another coworker has done to encourage us to follow some sort of process. That’s great and all but the things he’s saying I think “well, yeah, that’s what you’re SUPPOSED to do. Do you want a cookie or something?” Once or twice, sure. But I find myself thinking it a lot. And it really bothers me. To me, this stuff should be common sense, so I feel rather insulted sometimes. But that’s something I gotta get over. In the meantime, fuck, I’ll suck it up and continue to draw that paycheck.
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