- Oh man, oh man! My air is back! Sorta. Blown control board. In other words, not my fault. #
- But I have cold air. And that's all that matters for now. #firstworldproblems #
- Sooo, Kincet is Microsoft Sync on the Xbox?? #
- Kinect. #
- Sorry for the all caps crap. #
- Annnnd you lost me with justin Bieber. fucker. #
- Fuck. I might have to buy a 360 soon. #e3 360keynote #
- *sigh* I now want a 360 with Kinect…to play Kinectimals. 🙁 #
- hahaha. go white boy, go white boy, go! #e3 #
- Okay, EA. Show us what you got. #e3EA #
- Dear EA, running in place still fucking sucks. #e3EA #
- JOE MONTANA! W00t! Hyping Madden 11. I still can't play that goddamn game. #e3EA #
- I see a sims logo!!!!!!! #e3EA #
- Sims for console. Again. *yawn* #e3EA #
- Um. Shit. Sims 3 was the best presentation so far. (minus the demos) #
- *gasp* OMG She said "shit!" Now I wanna do cool shit! Shit! #e3EA #bulletstorm #
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