Dear Giants,

Holy christ, guys! An interception into a touchdown in the LAST TEN SECONDS (Rookie DE Tommi Hill smacked the ball out of the Panthers hands, then grabbed it from his own guy’s reach as that guy was falling) of a TIED GAME?? That was some serious playoffs shit! You keep Tommi. Just for that play. That was AWESOME.

Dear Cowboys,

The fuck, guys. PENALTIES ARE NOT BONUSES TO BE ACCUMULATED. You do not get more points for having the most penalties. And even if you did, you would have still lost because Oakland (13) managed to rack up even more than you (11). And your little punt returner who let it drop through his hands? I felt bad for him. he was mega pissed. We could see it as he stalked to the side, stared straight ahead, crouched down still scowling, then still didn’t turn around even as a huge ass lineman PICKED HIM UP BY HIS SHOULDER PADS WITH ONE HAND. He’ll get it.

Dear Steelers,

Keep on keepin’ on. 🙂

Dear Favre,

RETIRE YOU OLD FUCKER! STOP CHEATING YOUNG TALENT OUT OF A STARTING JOB! FUCK! You could have gone out a hero, a motherfucking hero! But did you? Hell no! You had to milk this shit for all it’s worth. God forbid you go out on top as a Packer, oh no. You had to stage a “comeback” and fuck the Jets. Then stage yet another “comeback” and fuck the Vikings and poor Tarvaris. Lord knows we black folk need all the quarterbacks (hell, just players in general) that don’t fuck it up and here you come to dick him out of a job. Now, all you’ll be remembered for is being a humongous old douchebag who doesn’t know when to bow out gracefully. I have never hated a player so much as I hate you right now. Okay, maybe Pacman. All right, and Vick two years ago. You get my point. Fuck off.

Dear Vikings,

I hope you pull a Detroit this season.

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