• Just paid 33.33% of my total fall tuition. :P. #
  • That $300 just for being a grad student is fucking ridiculous. At least tell me what it’s really for. assholes. #
  • Why does my backpack smell like feet???? #
  • I feel like I’ve been under a rock, so you younguns enlighten me: what in the FUCK is Band Hero? #
  • Band Hero: is it Activision’s answer to RB? Didn’t they already have GH: World Tour? The fuck, guys? #
  • If you tell me to automate the smoketests, I will automate the thing marked smoketest. #
  • If you really meant “automate the mini regression”, that’s not my damn fault. smoketests != regression. Ever. #
  • RT @Daemonicus: Unemployment office sign-“Due to staffing, your wait may be up to 5 hours.” 20 people in office w/o a job, hire some of them #
  • NERD ALERT! Ridley Scott to direct ‘Alien’ prequel http://tinyurl.com/l7kg94 So excited! #
  • “a stripper pole is not as sexy as you’d think at 9 in the morning”. So true, @wilw, so very true. #

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