• Well…shit. It WAS raining. Now there’s blue sky. Oh well. I think it finally rained a good amount at my house. Yay! #
  • dear @swearingcatcher: Shit, Piss, Fuck, Cunt, CockSucker, MotherFucker, and Tits #
  • RT @digitaldiatribe: Sounds like fun! http://bit.ly/SvdM1 #
  • Jesus Christ! Can we shut Joe Jackson the FUCK up, please? Goddamn! http://tinyurl.com/l7pexz #
  • Today is “urban music” day for me. In other words: Eminem, 2 Live Crew, and the one Snoop Dogg cd I own. #
  • Is it sad that my painfully white friend has a way more extensive “urban” collection than I do? I fail at being black. 😉 #
  • Fuck you, Kanye. Just fuck right off. http://bit.ly/S0VWy #
  • Awww. turns out the article is fake. 🙁 But Kanye is still a douche. #

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