• Getting forced to “upgrade” to Office 2007 and Office Communicator. Fuck. #
  • RT @qikipedia: RT @weirdimals The rarely photographed piglet squid ‘smiles’ for the camera http://bit.ly/3wXC9Y #
  • Fuck Central Texas toll roads with their lack of signage causing me to pay $0.75 to get to Dick’s Sporting Goods. #
  • And fuck Dick’s Sporting Goods for having shitty staff, shitty locations, and higher prices than Academy. #academy4lyfe #
  • http://twitpic.com/b0l3d – This is for two classes. TWO. TWO!!! #
  • Why? WHy do people call in the 5 minutes I’m in the bathroom with no phones? #
  • http://twitpic.com/b2n80 – I like kickball. It does not like me. I am old. #

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