I have new neighbors. Hundreds of them. Yes. That clump of brown is a swarm of FUCKING BEES. OH GOD!!! I have been told that fire, fire is the only thing that will expunge the horridness of this insect we call a bee. But I can’t do that to the poor devils. It’s a swarm of honeybees. Non Africanized. They’re just homeless little buggers looking for a place to set up shop , make more bees, and make delicious honey. If I weren’t so afraid of them, I’d set up a hive myself. But seriously. They’re bees. Fuck that. They need to go. They’ve been there since Sunday. Everything I read on the Interwebtubes say that they can stay 15 minutes or overnight. It’s Wednesday. Day 4 of the bees. The scouts are supposed to go out and find a spot for a new colony. They have failed. Some enterprising young/old beekeeper can come along and give them a home. This would be optimal. Either that or their queen is dead/injured. This would be bad and sub-optimal. No queen, no colony. Swarm dies. 🙁

I sent an email to a guy who says he removes swarms for free (yay!). We’ll see how that goes. In the meantime, I keep peeking out the back door, hoping they’ve legged it.

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