I have made changes to my house and property, etc! So, it’s getting better!

  1. The hailstorm almost two months ago fucked my roof and patio roof (big holes). UPDATE: Got an estimate. Work starts in about 4 weeks. New roof and a brand new patio cover! Wood and shingles!
  2. My siding is old and starting to really look it.
  3. Same for the wood trim
  4. One of the trees in the backyard is dead. Deader than fuck. And full of carpenter ants. UPDATE: Ants killed. Dead tree removed! So much more sun. 🙁
  5. The trees adjacent to them have big dead branches quite possibly from whatever killed tree number one. UPDATE: Turned out to be either a) a fungus or b) “It was it’s time to die. I don’t know. But both tree people agreed I have a fungus on one of the remaining trees. They were all trimmed and fertilized. I resolve to take better care of my poor trees.
  6. I haven’t mowed in weeks. UPDATE: I mowed. Now I need to do it again.
  7. I haven’t edged since last year. UPDATE: I edged. I’m good for a little while.
  8. My carpet is old, filthy, and nothing will revive it. UPDATE: TILED LIVINGROOM! WHOOHOO!
  9. Bright yellow countertops.
  10. The hole I put through the ceiling in the garage-gameroom 5 years ago is still covered by some random wood.

YAY! Progress!

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