No really. Chicks really do dig assholes. I came to this realization last night while watching X-Men Origins: Wolverine. For most of the movie, I just liked Wolverine. He’s always been my favorite X-Men character and the fact that it’s Hugh Jackman just makes it that much better. Then he started tearin’ shit up. And I liked him a little more. Then he was “poor, sad, Logan/Jimmy who got fucked by The Man.” and it was back to just like. Sabertooth, on the other hand, was hot as fuck. The more he tore it up, the bigger dick he was being to everybody, the hotter he got. I mean, goddamn! I’ve never looked at Liev Schreiber like that. Never. Whoooooo!

Then I thought deeper about it. Superman vs Batman? Batman. Moody Dark Knight graphic novel Batman (everyone sucks, I’m gonna start just killing these fucks) Superman is too much of a pussy. Spiderman just pisses me off. Rorshach, The Comedian, and Ozmandias (just barely) over Night Owl and Smurf Dick Dr. Manhattan. First half of the movie Hancock over whatever the rest of that movie was. Drunk as fuck Iron Man (thanks Twisted Toyfare) over his really bad Superfiends-like cartoon.

And villians. Wow. The more cracked-out they are, the better I seem to dig ’em. The Joker. Hands down the best goddamn villain ever. EVER. Why? Fucker is crazy! Always has, always will be. I’m not just talking about Heath Ledger’s performance, holy god no. Joker has been shithouse crazy since the beginning. Cesar Romero’s version was definitely of a cracked-up human being. He did silly shit, but that was fine. He did it with the flair of a screwed up mind. Jack Nicholson brought out the dark humor. He was a man driven insane and pissed because he wasn’t getting enough attention.  Heath Ledger’s was of a man born insane and was perfectly happy to stay there. Mark Hamil in the Batman Animated Series was a happy medium between the two.


You get the point.

So, yeah. Chicks dig assholes. At least on the big screen.

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