• Good God. Just had a Mooyah Burger. Doubleplusgood. http://tinyurl.com/5wrh6h #
  • “When you’re lost in deep despair, you just ask the lonely….” #
  • Some overachieving asshole made a perfect grade on the midterm. I’m guessing no curve. And I realllllly need one. #
  • WhooHoo! I wasn’t the absolute lowest grade in the class! I am not alone in my utter retardedness! #
  • “I can learn this at home without a teacher..” Fuck you dude. Seriously. You are “That Guy” and I wish you’d go the fuck away. #
  • RT @Dezdimona16: GO GO GO! http://tinyurl.com/c3hm47 Seriously! Yes! #

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