Dear Texas State Computer Science Department,

Really, why do you even bother? “Hey, you can complete your entire BS or MS up in Round Rock! Oh but you might have to go to San Marcos to get classes you might be even remotely interested in. Or the ones that you absolutely positively need to graduate. Oh and all tests required to graduate and to prove you belong in the program will be in San Marcos. As well as any remotely interesting talks, frat meetings, and professor demos. But other than that, you can complete your entire degree in Round Rock! Won’t that be convienient for you working Austin/Round Rock/Georgetown people!”

Bull. Fucking. Shit.

There is one class in Summer Session II that I would love to take. Unfortunately it’s being taught by the same instructor that is giving me heartburn right now. There’s no way in hell will I ever take another class from him. I may not make it to the end of THIS semester.

Summer: Okay, pickings are always slim for the summer. But it looks like ONE professor is teaching damn near everything. Too bad I can’t take any of them.

Fall: One class that fulfills both a core-optional requirement and is a prerequisite for something I really want to take. Great! That’s it. I don’t want to resort to taking classes just for the sake of taking classes. My track is not Software Engineering, so that eliminates 4 classes, 2 of which I’ve already taken. I could *possibly* take Formal Language, but it’s predecessor damn near ate my lunch a year ago and would only serve to add elective credits while I wait to take my last goddamn core class. The rest? I don’t have the prereqs for. My options: a class that will leave me broken, sticky and confused; travel to San Marcos and take that last fucking core class (that has a high probability of being taught in the spring) that will leave me in a bitter fucking mood all semester; travel to San Marcos to take a class I need but be in a slightly better mood; just take one class.

Fuck. I really don’t know what to do.

Shit, this started out as a letter.

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