• Alarm went off, I got straight up, got dressed and headed to the gym. No prodding required. 🙂 #
  • RT @seancorcoran: RT @pspblink: DOPE!!!http://tinyurl.com/5rwplx Dope, indeed. #
  • Jeez! I was in bizzarro world where a simple string declaration DID NOT WORK. #
  • Am I taking crazy pills? 1<2. Therefore my goddamn whilei should not be executing! #
  • Time to play count the braces…something is severely fucked up. #
  • Fuck you, semicolons. #
  • Achievement: Completed Algorithms Homework That I Thought Was Done But Really Had A Shitton Of Mistakes #
  • Well…fuck. I did the assignment due two weeks from now. #

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