- Dear God, I think my thighs just might fall off today. #
- Economy is definitely in the shitter when pawn shops are going out of business. #
- note: don’t buy frozen steamed pork buns and nuke them to death. Lunch==smaller than expected. 🙁 #
- RT @wilw: Apparently Harmonix just announced that Don’t Stop Believin’ is coming to Rock Band DLC, but didn’t announce a date. OMG. #
- RT @wilw: According to dozens of other people, Don’t Stop Believin’ comes out on Tuesday. Er, I mean, it *drops* on Tuesday. Music lingo. #
- Crap! I have a PS3. I won’t get sweet sweet Journey love until Thursday. I’m a Stephen King fan, I know how to wait. #darktower #
- Ion Drum Rocker Deal (360) $259: http://tinyurl.com/cyyu9y (PS3): http://tinyurl.com/csj2ts #
- What the hell?!?! I have a CRAMP in my CHEST. Not heart, chest. Bang, right between the tits. Perhaps I have overdone the gym…. #
- http://twitpic.com/2fyxb – Its coming…. #
- http://twitpic.com/2fz0h – We’re doomed!!!!!! #
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