• @mdmcaus There’s like, five people here. As far as I know, we don’t have a TV. #
  • @tremorx so cute! #
  • And with the slight fumbling of the oath, Obama is now officially the President of the United States. #
  • Did..Did I just hear someone say Bush would be happy to be back amongst his “peeps”? #
  • How do you have an approval rating when you haven’t had a chance to do anything yet?? #
  • Sen. Robert Biord was taken to a hospital as well from the luncheon. #
  • Bird. Bird dammit. #
  • Sen. Kennedy suffered a seizure during the luncheon, near the end. #
  • @tremorx that’s what happens when you only have audio. #
  • I type it like I hear it. #

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