STOP ELECTING THIS MAN. Jesus H Christ on a pogo stick. First Amendment, motherfucker, do you see it?
“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof…”
I can’t even think let alone write any coherent sentence because I am so angry. What the fuck is wrong with him? He is actively pushing for the “dance for rain, afraid of eclipse” thought process to come back.
Maybe he is a massive troll. He and George W might have cooked up this huge practical joke years ago and have successfully trolled all of us. Us meaning human beings with actually logical thought processes. This is the only thing I can think of when I hear the horrible shit that comes out of his mouth.
Perry is the worst thing ever in this state. Worse than the wildfires, worse than the drought, worse than a yeast infection on top of a urinary tract infection. I wish everyday that the majority of Texans would wake up and get this man out of office. Seeing his name, hearing his name, turns my stomach and reduces me to screaming obscenities and gibberish. Not even Time Warner makes me that angry.
And I fucking hate Time Warner with all of my heart and spleen.
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