So another Black Friday has come and gone and as usual I went out with my mom for some power shopping (sis stayed home to sleep or something. Although she did get up long enough to wake my mom up). Some of you might think I’m fucking nuts for going out on this day. Probably, but when we’re prepared (lists, target stores and items) we knock out items for at least 7 kids in one go. We do not stand in line waiting for stores to open, and we most certainly do not camp overnight. If what we wanted is gone by the time we get there, then it’s gone and we move on. For the past couple of years, we have had tremendous luck with Kohl’s. They commonly have Fisher Price and other name brands on sale for 40-60% off. This year was no different, but we didn’t like anything they had. It was “we got him/her that last year. He’s too old, she’s too young for that item.” And if we found something we liked, we would look at the checkout line. No, this/these items are not worth an hour in line. So, we moved on to Target. Oh Target how I love you. I got a girlie Video Journal for an 8 year old girl for $17 regular price. It was $25.99 at Kohl’s on sale. Their stocks were plentiful and the sections didn’t look like a hurricane had hit it. We even checked out in mere minutes rather than hours. was glorious.
But IKEA…Oh IKEA. I saw this easel at IKEA. A kid’s easel. It has a blackboard on one side, a whiteboard on the other and can take a roll of drawing paper (that they also sell). It was a Saturday only special. A $25 easel for $10. I thought, great, I’ll get it for someone’s kid. IKEA opens at 10 for shopping, 9 for eating. I show up at 9:40 and follow the herd (????) back to the restaurant…where there was a group of people waiting for the rest of the store to open. Whut? I take my place and just…wait. Some of you saw my tweet. Hordes of people start appearing, most with rolls of paper and markers in their baskets. I think, all these people can’t possibly want a damn easel, right? Oh my my. The worker at the front made her announcements “Hey, we open in 5 minutes, we will lead you to where the easels are (what??). We will not tolerate any fighting, running, or shoving. We WILL escort you out!”. Okay, what the fuck. It’s a goddamn easel not a fucking TV!! It was surreal. I got two of the damn things (way bigger than I though) and two rolls of paper and got the hell out of there. It wasn’t crazy crowded or anything, I was just dumbfounded. It’s AN EASEL for christsakes! This is the ONLY THING I managed to “line up” for this shopping weekend.
And I didn’t even mean to.
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