Another football season is upon us. Saturday is the Hall of Fame ceremonies and Sunday is the hall of fame game. This year? Cowboys vs. Bengals. Neat! Wait, why neat? Welp, let’s see. America’s favorite showboater Terrell Owens has signed a contract with the Bengals. And already the drama has begun. He missed his overnight flight. The Bengals were all set to have press conferences, training, etc that day. *sigh* Okay, anybody can miss a flight. I shouldn’t be so hard on him. I want to see him do well and not cause OMG DRAMA all over the place. Oh and he paid Antonio Bryant an undisclosed amount of money to surrender his number (81). The money will go to charity so that’s cool.

So, uh, you got your popcorn rdy?

God. That was lame as fuck.

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