Category: school

And This Is Why I Won’t Ever Graduate

I got an email from The School a couple of days ago saying “Hey, the spring class offering is up and registration starts 10/19!” Well, ain’t that peachy. I haven’t finished paying for *this* semester yet. So I make with the clicky and check out the schedule. You know that class I bitched about that I need, that they refuse to teach in Round Rock, that they sent a survey about the week AFTER the semester ended in the spring about offering it at Round Rock? Yeah. Not being taught in Round Rock. To borrow from a forum meme: fuck this gay earth.

I am really, really sick of this shit. Why don’t I just quit? I’m a little over half way done. I’ve put far more money into this than I want to talk about (let’s just say an average of $2000 per semester)., and goddammit, I’m going to finish what I start! Ignore the piles of unpainted and half painted mini’s on @aelerelean’s shelf. And the only-glanced-at thank you cards I was going to make. And the barely looked at parts for the bass pedal mod for Rock Band.

I digress.

So, like I said, I made with the clicky and checked out the schedule, came to terms with the fact that I will start off the semester angr, and thought “well, as long as I’m gonna wanna kill people anyway, I might as well take three classes in the spring.” I check the schedule. There’s nothing in Round Rock I can take outside of what I’d already picked. And there’s nothing in San Marcos outside of hell-class I can take either. No really. I even made a list of what’s available and why I can/can’t/won’t take it:

Internship: not applicable, I have a job.
*Adv Operating Systems: 5pm in san marcos 2x a week. Can’t leave work that early.
Networks: taking now
Design of programming languages: took it
Adv Human Factors: 5pm in san marcos 2x a week. Can’t leave work that early.
Algorithm Design: took it
Crafting Compilers: don’t wanna, really hard, but I might, I’m so conflicted
Database Theory: Spring 2010
*Advanced Internet Info Processing (perl, cgi, etc): need 5332, same time/day as 5332
Adv Artificial Intelligence: Spring 2010 (hell class)
**Digital Forensics: conflict
Web Services Engineering: conflict, not interested
Programming Practicum: not needed, took it
Adv Data Mining: boring as fuck
Neural Networks: no interest at all
Adv Computer Graphics: will never take another class with this man ever again. ever.
GUI: took it
Survey of Software Engineering: took it
***Formal Methods of Software Engineering: not particularly interested
Software Engineering Practicum: not doing the SE track, don’t need it. In fact, I already have a job in my field. I should get credit for this course. I “practicum” SE every day. and fuck that guy, too (different guy from GUI)
Independent Study: erm. No. not applicable.
Thesis A/B: not doing a Thesis. so, not applicable

** – Eh, that sounds moderately interesting
*** – I could possibly be persuaded if there’s really nothing else

So, there you are. That’s my school career in a nutshell. And I pay for this. Willingly. Out of my own pocket. No scholarships, no work reimbursement, no sweet sweet blackmail money. I’d say “FML” but in the grand scheme of things, it’s nowhere near that bad.

Why Tuesdays and Thursdays Suck

I’m in graduate school. I don’t know why. But I started and will finish.

This school does not offer a whole hell of a lot of classes at the remote campus. I can barely get my required classes. So when it came time to register, I chose a class I needed and a filler, to avoid having to drive 70+ miles once a week (and getting home at 10:45pm) and be angry for one reason. Instead, I drive…considerably less than 70 miles 3 times a week…and I’m still angry for another reason. Fuck.

This “filler” class was not chosen because I was particularly interested in the subject or because it was easy. Oh my no. It is not easy by any means. I chose this class because it was going to be taught by one of the best professors in the department. This is one of *her* subjects. She worked with the person who wrote the book (a U.T. professor). She knows her shit. I check my schedule a day before class starts (we won’t get into that) and I see her name gone and someone else’s in it’s place. Ah fuck. I prayed for it to be a mistake.

It wasn’t. Shit. This new guy starts off saying that he didn’t know he was teaching this class until two days prior. He also talks up how the original teacher is 15 kinds of awesome and we should really take the class from her. Well…WE TRIED. The school fucked us. So. Here I am. Perturbed.

Next, there is a math major in the class. He’s almost “that guy”. You know, the one who thinks he knows more than the teacher. Only in this case HE DOES. Fuck. So. Here I am. Upset.

First assignment is given. I see that it’s the same assignment the undergrad class is being given. Oh, didn’t I mention that it is a merged class? Yeah. It didn’t click when I registered. I’ve taken the undergrad class. 13 years ago. Fuck. So. Here I am. Discombobulated.

His notes are online. You can download them. Oh wait, they’re worthless until the actual day of class because he’s either modifed or replaced the file completely. Fuck. So. Here I am. Having an ulcer.

And, just now, he went off topic. Again. For the third time. In a class that only lasts 1 hour, 20 minutes. I vaguely know what he was prattling on about because I’ve long ago stopped listening (It’s only mid september. goddammit.). Although I did hear a reference to entertaining lectures and how MICHAEL JACKSON should be paying him to do lectures. Yes, really. I don’t know.

So. Here I am. Angry.

Oh, and in the time it took to write this, he’s gone off topic TWO MORE TIMES.

Another School Rant

All semester we were supposed to be working on this incredibly detailed project for a UI class. Remember, UI. User Interface. Pretty pictures and buttons to help users do shit without tearing their hair out.

This highly detailed project was discussed all semester. Very little UI learning was happening. We did one assignment using the software we had to use to design the UI for our project (10 minutes), one assignment on evaluating other interfaces (not bad, actually), one writing a calculator using PHP on a webpage (the fuck?) and the other 10 assignments were for the project: design documents, specifications, all the piff and fluff surrounding any Software Engineering class project.


The orject itself was to simulate something called a set-associative cache. Got something to do with how memory is used/allocated. I didn’t get it when I took the computer architecture class in the 90’s, I didn’t get it when I took a different computer architecture class in 2006, I didn’t get it when he explained it all semester. I might be stupid, I don’t know. But when you explain the same thing and change up the terms during the explanation and go off on a tangent while never getting back to the point, I’m not going to understand you. I would dread when people would ask him questions. Namely my group members. Who have done such fun shit as:

  1. Not turn in an assignment when they said they would
  2. When, after listening to an explanation of something not project related (like, “when is the status report due?”), asking the same goddamn question that was just fucking answered. This person was in my Tuesday night class as well.
  3. After not hearing a peep all week, calling me and trying to set up a meeting a 4pm on a goddamn Sunday. Our assignments were due by 11:55pm on Sundays.
  4. Not reading emails. Like, blatantly ignoring what I just fucking said.

That said, I know I’m not a stellar groupmate, but, fuck, many times I would work hard on a document just to have someone popup and say “Oh, here, I already did it but I’ll add in your comments” and it ends up being complete shit compared to what I wrote.

This project would be perfect for getting a deeper understanding of how caches work during the course of a more hardware oriented class.


So finally, after the pain of the semester where we’re still asking “how in the fuck does the cache work?” in the week leading up to the demo date, I we decide to just demo what we have and turn in the final stuff Friday with the REST of the documentation. Oh, didn’t I tell you? There’s more useless fucking documentation that we had no warning about due Friday (5/15) that he told us about Monday night (5/11). Again, appropriate for a Software Engineering project…which this still isn’t.

The Monday night demo sucks fucking donkey dicks. Greasy, purple, “Scratch n’ Dent Night” at the strip club, donkey show dick. Our project was horrible. Everyone else’s (save maybe two projects) was cool. 15 kinds of awesome. Ours was best demo’d in private. And you burn the machine after it was done. I worked my motherfucking ass off on my part with zero help, zero direction. So I was fucking proud as hell to get OpenGL shit to work. How was I to know that was tanamount to having your teenaged kid run up to you excited because they finally figured out and put together that 25 piece jigsaw puzzle. Fuck. The backend “proper” C++ code got integrated with the UI in QT the day before. THE DAY BEFORE. I don’t think you understand. My UI did NOTHING but show pretty slides I could get this code. I had not seen a fucking lick of it until THE DAY BEFORE THE DEMO. Un-fucking-believeable. So here I am, day of the demo, cramming this shit in to make it do something, anything. I am pissed as fuck. I left class so upset it was unfathomable. The next day, I almost cried, I was still so mad. But at least I thought it wold all be over Monday. OH NO, BITCHES! THE HELL AIN’T OVER YET! I get the priviledge of re-demo’ing this piece of fucking shit Friday. And so do the assholes who’s project worked JUST FUCKING FINE. This is bullshit. Total complete bull-fucking-ass-shit.

Another year

So, today is my birthday. Yay me! This time last year, I was studying for a final, convinced I was going to fail. It was the worst thing going at the time. That and did I really have enough money for a party. The next day, I was laid off. Well. Fuck.

Here I am now…not exactly studying for a final but working on final projects for one asshole (not in the good way) and my Tuesday night class; convinced I’m going to fail the Tuesday night class; and having realized that throwing a party now is just too much. We’ve already had layoff announcements here just last week, so that worry is not completely out of the way. But, shit. Is this how early May is going to go? Finals, hard class, layoffs? Fuck that. This needs to be the last year layoffs happen at this time.

Economy, hurry the fuck up and rebound.

Classes again

I totally got shamed last night.

I was bitching about the horrible class selection and how I might just “take it easy” and take one class. The guy I was talking to said “Oh yeah, I said the same thing. I was taking 4 classes.” Holy fucking shit. 4 classes. And he was working. I’ll just shut the fuck up and take my piddly two classes next fall.

Lying Assholes

Dear Texas State Computer Science Department,

Really, why do you even bother? “Hey, you can complete your entire BS or MS up in Round Rock! Oh but you might have to go to San Marcos to get classes you might be even remotely interested in. Or the ones that you absolutely positively need to graduate. Oh and all tests required to graduate and to prove you belong in the program will be in San Marcos. As well as any remotely interesting talks, frat meetings, and professor demos. But other than that, you can complete your entire degree in Round Rock! Won’t that be convienient for you working Austin/Round Rock/Georgetown people!”

Bull. Fucking. Shit.

There is one class in Summer Session II that I would love to take. Unfortunately it’s being taught by the same instructor that is giving me heartburn right now. There’s no way in hell will I ever take another class from him. I may not make it to the end of THIS semester.

Summer: Okay, pickings are always slim for the summer. But it looks like ONE professor is teaching damn near everything. Too bad I can’t take any of them.

Fall: One class that fulfills both a core-optional requirement and is a prerequisite for something I really want to take. Great! That’s it. I don’t want to resort to taking classes just for the sake of taking classes. My track is not Software Engineering, so that eliminates 4 classes, 2 of which I’ve already taken. I could *possibly* take Formal Language, but it’s predecessor damn near ate my lunch a year ago and would only serve to add elective credits while I wait to take my last goddamn core class. The rest? I don’t have the prereqs for. My options: a class that will leave me broken, sticky and confused; travel to San Marcos and take that last fucking core class (that has a high probability of being taught in the spring) that will leave me in a bitter fucking mood all semester; travel to San Marcos to take a class I need but be in a slightly better mood; just take one class.

Fuck. I really don’t know what to do.

Shit, this started out as a letter.

Crisis Averted

So….by the time I had gotten completely spun up and in full blown panic, I had received a response from my begging. I was allowed to resubmit and got my new grade. 98. Wheee! Of course, this just made me freak out even more about turning in my final. This time I only had the one file and triple checked it was the right one.


Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck.

I finished my research paper on 11/11. I turned it in wayyy on time. In fact, I turned it in by the original deadline. He extended it after I turned it in. Yesterday I get my grade: 60. Oh shit! What did I do wrong? I read the comments on the grade sheet: “No sources, not doublespaced, no citing”. Oh what in the fuck? I look at my paper. It IS doublespaced, I have sources! What the hell? I went back to the TRACS system where I submitted my paper. It still has my document. Oh no it doesn’t. It has my NOTES!!!! I SUBMITTED MY GODDAMN NOTES INSTEAD OF MY PAPER!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!

I have emailed my plea and will most definitely call during his office hours. I cannot believe I fucked this up. I agonized over this damn paper only to fuck it up at the last minute???


Things I have learned:

1) Being in graduate school, you would think that the admin and faculty would treat you like an adult since most of the students are, well, fucking adults. Many of us have jobs. Jobs in our field. Now, I’m not bitching about homework. I’m not whinging on about “oh poor me, I work and don’t have time to devote to your oh so important assignments.” No. I’m an adult. School means work outside of class. No, my bitch is with “Oh hey, I’m having office hours from 3-4pm today!” Yippe fucking skip. Or “If you don’t understand you need to come see me during my office hours at 1 in the afternoon in a city 40 miles away!” No, fuckhead, I can’t and you need to realize that…SO ANSWER YOUR GODDAMN EMAIL! I follow your instructions and format my shit like you said to and yet, your turnaround time is abysmal. You know what that teaches me? Not to ask you for shit.

2) Still with the “we’re adults” thing: “You need to be here on time so we can get started on time!” I’m all about that. If class starts at 6:30, start teaching at 6:30. If I’m late, that’s my problem (haven’t been yet!). I will slip in as fast and as quietly as my fat ass can so as not to disturb you. So when I see assholes come stumbling in 10 minutes late REEKING of smoke, I get pissed. You had time to smoke, but couldn’t get to class? Oh fuck you. Oh, and you two chucklefucks who sit IN THE FRONT ROW: Shut. The. Fuck. Up. It’s bad enough that I have to decipher the instructor’s accent but hearing you two chattering away in whatever fucking language it is on top of him is distracting. We’re all in this class because we’re fucking stupid in C++. You couldn’t grasp the difference between an integer and a double 4 weeks ago. So how’s about you shut up and listen to the guy in the front of the class. You know, the one with four degrees and happens to be head of the goddamn program.

3) Yes, you teach the Software Engineering Practicum class. I know. We all know. No, I won’t be taking your class because I don’t have to. I don’t care what you think, the catalog and the advisor say different. Stop pushing thesis on everyone. Not every goddamn topic should be a thesis. No, I’m not doing a thesis. Stop calling on poor Craig fifteen times every class period. We don’t care about his thesis. Your spelling and grammar are atrocious making your notes almost useless. No, I’m not doing a thesis! Your information is almost 20 years out of date. Stop telling us that developers hate the testers and encouraging it. If I tell you that I felt totally comfortable telling a dev that his code broke and the dev says “ah, okay, thanks!” I’M NOT FUCKING LYING. The bruised ego bullshit may still be alive and well but not everywhere. Stop perpetuating the attitude. 99% of the class will go on to become developers and you’re just fucking everyone they will have to work with. There are software jobs out there that have *gasp* NOTHING TO DO WITH THE GOVERNMENT. There are development jobs that *double gasp* have nothing to do with life or death software! No, I’m not doing a goddamn thesis!

4) Going back to school to get an advanced degree in the field you already have a job in, sucks donkey balls. Why? You learn the “way it should be” at night and live “the way it really goes” during the day. That fucks with you. You can’t help but be a cynic and write your answers based on reality. I mean, it’s an absolute *joy* to write a document for class that you’ve written 15 of in the last 8 years for work and have them be two completely different animals. That’s just a wonderful fucking feeling.

December can’t come soon enough.