Category: consumer

Shallow, inconsequential first world problems

I got home Friday evening to find @aelerelean napping on the couch, the TV off, the fan and A/C running. But lo, what was that other noise I hear? The sound of computer fans spinning like they were trying to get airborne. The hell? I looked around. It wasn’t the ceiling fan, @aelerelean didn’t have the box fan on, the PS3 wasn’t on (I can’t hear it anyway). So what the hell was it? That’s when I turned to the shelves below the TV. There were some lights missing. Namely, the Dish receiver. No lights, but the fan spinning for all it’s worth. Fuck. Just a week prior the receiver failed to see satellites and I was sent a refurb. This one just stopped booting. So, on the phone I get to Dish. I was pissed (because, hey, I had this thing a week).

“Thank you for calling Dish Network AT&T[don’t ask] how may I help you?”
“The receiver I got last week now doesn’t work.” I was nice. I was calm. I wanted my TV. Dollhouse premier starts in 45 minutes.
“Well, all right, what are you seeing?”
“Nothing. It’s black. The fans are on, and the green light randomly shines.”
“Oh, um, wow. Let’s get that fixed.” I’m sure she was expecting “I got’s an error thingy” or “Mah power dun went off and now I cain’t gets mah judge judy!” She verified some information and “sent a signal.” As soon as she did, THE GODDAMN THING WORKED!
“Holy crap! I guess I just needed to call you! I have a picture!” For all of 2 minutes. Then it died again.
“Okay, this is a harddrive issue. I will overnight you a new one. And for your trouble since you just had an issue a week ago, i will issue a $50 statement credit.” W00t! Remember, kids, being nice and calm gets you stuff.  I took down the RMA number and we completed the call.

What I learned/kinda already knew:

  1. Overnight is only overnight if it is before Friday. Quite possibly before Thursday noon. I knew this. Overnight Friday 6:45pm gets you sometime Monday. Even if it is FedEx.
  2. Dish Network support does not suck. At all. I don’t know if it has anything to do with me still being linked to AT&T or not. All signs point to no. Dish is Dish is Dish. My account number probably says “hey, AT&T customer. Say this greeting.” Nothing more.
  3. I am lost if I can’t have the TV on in the living room. Really. It’s stupid. I have a perfectly good tv and receiver in the bedroom. But I don’t want to be in the bedroom. I want to be in the living room. Stupid, I know.
  4. PS3 Media Server is 15 kinds of awesome.

So yes, woe is me, I can’t watch TV in the living room. I had to hook up the antenna to watch the Steelers get their goddamn asses kicked (what the fuck, guys? Really? What the fuck??). Whatever will I do? *eyeroll*

My Big Fat Network Adventure

I have a lot of shit in my house that wants to/needs to talk to the Internet and to other devices in the house. No really. A lot. 4 desktop computers, 2 tablets, 2 dish receivers, 2 ReplayTv dvrs (possibly going away soon), hd-dvd player (don’t judge), PS3, Wii, slingbox , NDS, 2 Roku boxes (yes, I know I can use the PS3. I’d rather have the Roku), a Squeezebox (possibly just got superseded by the PS3), and a printer…in a pear tree. Not to mention access for my friends who come over with their laptops.

Whew. That’s a lot of shit. In a house built in 1977 with zero network jacks (of course not). I had a cobbled together smash up of wired (snaked around doorframes), wireless, wired with a wireless bridge (for shit that didn’t have the decency to be able to connect wirelessly), and ethernet-over-powerlines which worked surprisingly well.

Sick of all this mess, wanting as little stuff on wireless as possible, and wanting gigabit speeds throughout the house, I decided to install some network drops. The ideal situation would be to have the modem and main switch up in a closet somewhere out of sight. Wonderful, says I. Then a realize that closets don’t have fucking power outlets. And I would be damned if I was going to call an electrician to put power where there really should be no power and have to use a stepladder every time I need to trouble shoot something. So, the main switch would go right where the current modem and router lived: a small end table 6 inches from the DSL-cum-Uverse jack.

For a couple of weeks, I researched cable, jacks, plugs, switchs, routers, and tools; then agonized over price. Finally, the cable arrived, I had all the bits I was going to buy, and we were ready!

4/11/09 9am: Get up, get dressed, start cutting small holes in the walls where I wanted my drops: 1 each behind the living room tv, the garage, the master bedroom, my office, and the central spot in Tico’s room, now known as the network closet, whether he wanted it to or not.

4/11/09 9:45 or so: Tico ascends into the attic for the first andf most difficult of drops: the garage. See, we converted the garage into a room (insulated and ac’d!) some years back and the desktop and laser priter out there were living off of a semi decent wireless signal. It was not always reliable and I was sick of it. A drop was needed. And I decided to put it along the wall that seperates the garage from the kitchen. Whee! Guess what I found when I cut a hole? Insulation. “But interior walls aren’t supposed to need insulation!” you cry? Yeah. Unless the room used to be the garage. *sigh*. No big deal, we have fish tape. piece of cake.

OVER AN HOUR AND A CONTINUOUS STREAM OF PROFANITY LATER: We’re still working on that goddamned garage drop. Why? The drill bit is NOT LONG ENOUGH to go through the top “plate” of the wall. Ever build a wall? Horizontal piece on top, vertical pieces attached to it (studs), horizontal piece below. Top plate is generally composed of 2 2×4’s, but since my house was built in 1977, it seems to be made of fucking railroad ties. Tico finally got through, dropped the tape, fished the cable up, then went over to where the other end of the cable would go (his room). AND RAN INTO THE SAME MOTHERFUCKING PROBLEM! This time, no spot would work. All were too thick (and somehow there was DRYWALL DUST on the end of the bit????). I said “okay, rest, I’ll go to Harbor Freight.” HAHAHAHAHAH! No drill bit was long enough. And that’s when it dawned on me: This hole needed to be big enough for 3 cables to fit (the office was going to be a straight pass though), so I bought a set of paddle bits. Brought them home, explained to the poor guy doing all the shit work, and sent him back up top. First time, perfect hole. Now we had to get the end of the cable back down. Send fish tape, tie ribbon (lovely Christmas ribbon! Hey, work with whatcha got.) to end of tape, send tape up, attach cable, pull ribbon and cable. Coolness.

4/11/09 12pm or something: Thinking the worst was over, we installed the living room jack. FUCK VAULTED CEILINGS. Tico claimed he could see all of the attic and that this drop should work fine. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. First, he starts drilling in the wrong spot. When I tell him, he curses and moves over. I let him know where he’s supposed to be by tapping on the ceiling. He taps on the ceiling as well to tell me where he is. If we weren’t the ones doing it, it would have been hilarious. But since we were, it was ass. He sees where he needs to be, but he cannot get there. He can, however, get to my closet (shares a wall with the living room). I say “fuck it, drill a hole in the ceiling and I’ll handle it from there.”

4/11/09 2pm, I guess. I’m annoyed and hungry, Tico’s annoyed, hungry, pissed, tired and itchy: Final attic drop, the master bedroom. This room shared a wall with both master and hallway bathrooms (I have a small house). I look in the hole I made and see….something metal about a foot away…and a cross beam. Oh. Fuck. But I can hear the fish tape tapping its way down like a blind pedestrian (because a blind driver would make more sense?). This cross beam thing is not flush against the drywall so it shouldn’t have been a problem. Yeah. It took over 20 minutes to get this stupid drop to happen. Just a comedy of errors. But it happened.

4/11/09 2:something: Tico comes down from the attic, flips it off and I send him to the showers while the (shitty) punchdown tool, a bag of cat6 jacks, a cutter, and I get better acquainted.

4/11/09 3:30pm: I figure out what to do with the cable in my closet. The hole I made in the TV wall is conveniently near the bottom of my closet. I punch a hole from the closet side (okay three holes. Move EVERYTHING from the wall of the closet so you can see what the fuck you’re doing) and snake that bad boy through.

4/11/09 4:30pm: I have made exactly 3 of the 8 jacks I need. Fuck making jacks. My fingers hurt. I wake up Tico and we go to the grocery store, home to dump the groceries, Mooyah Burger, and Dragon’s Lair.

4/11/09 7pm: I make more goddamn jacks and try my hand at making cables. Fuck making cables. My jacks work, my cables didn’t. Whatever. [Edit: Holy shit, there was a trip to Fry’s in there are well for short lengths of cable because I gave the fuck up.] I make my drops look all pretty with plates (damn near professional looking job) and handwritten labels (this might come back to bite me in the ass). I never got around to buying all the spiffy switches and router because that was about $420. I could not bring myself to click “checkout” from newegg. But I discovered that between upgrading this and that and having LAN parties, I had enough switches to get by. I even had a SPARE gigabit switch. A SPARE! Who has spare gigabit equipment? Someone just gave it to Tico. I think it was Kent (thanks, Kent!). So, now I have a Gigbit main switch, and two 5 port 10/100 switches (one for the bedroom and the living room). I plug shit in and voila, it works. IT WORKS!


4/12/09 noon or so: Realize that I hadn’t made the last jack in my office look pretty. Install plate and move on.

So, what have we learned from this experience:

  • The attic sucks ass. Don’t go up there unless you absolutely have to, and even then, see if you can pay someone to do whatever it is you need done up there.
  • The attic door was built in 1977. It’s one of those pulldown things. They suck. The beams around it are either failing or were poorly constructed. The ceiling around the door bows and at random times, Tico said he could hear a *pop* and was convinced he was coming down the hard way.
  • Corded Tools > Cordless Tools. We have two battery packs for the Ryobi tool set. We need more. Battery died on the flashlight AND the drill. Fuck.
  • Both corded and cordless drills LOVED sucking in the blown insulation into their motors. Fear_of_fire++
  • Making jacks by hand: sucks ass. Like I said before, my fingers hurt. Perhaps my punchdown tool was not the best.
  • Making cables by hand is an exercise in frustration.
  • Insulation is itchy. Even the blown in stuff. Wear long sleeved shirts or suffer.
  • 1970’s home construction is far superior to current construction. Where else would you use fucking railroad ties in an interior wall?
  • Workmen who come to your house and work in your attic treat it like a goddamn trash pile! Fucking shit! Tico found beer bottle caps, assorted other trash and an open pocket knife. See, some past installer didn’t have a long enough drill bit either and his drill kept hitting wood before punching through so he grabbed his handy dandy pocket knife and GOUGED OUT THE WOOD in a funnel shape to make it work. Then graciously left the knife–still open–in the attic for Tico to find. With his open palm (no injuries). It’s a nice one, too. His now.
  • Concrete floors are no fun to kneel on. My knees hurt to the touch. How do kids crawl around all damn day?

Equipment bought to be used in this much needed but tiring adventure:

Shit I already have:

Equipment I want to upgrade to:

Props to:

  • Mick West for his informative website for doing this crap.
  • @pakazmir for recommendations on hardware (which I still haven’t bought) and cabling.
  • Kent for the gigabit switch
  • @aelerelean for doing all the shit work.

My U-Verse Adventure

Ever since at&t announced that they were rolling out their version of fiber (VDSL?), I anxiosly awaited any news about price, availability, etc. I got excited when it beta’d in San Antonio. I said then and there that I would ditch Time Warner and go straight to at&t. Months passed. I bought a house, got Time Warner and at&t dsl. I bitched about TW and finally switched to Dish, still saying that as soon as this new at&t service rolled out, I’d hop on. Whoo Boy. More time passed. I upgraded my dish stuff. I grew to love it’s dvr (sorry, ReplayTV. You rocked out with your cock out, but now it’s time to go) and plethora of programming. Finally U-Verse was announced! Yay! Then “whole home dvr!” AWESOME Oh wait. It’s not really whole house dvr. It’s more like a NAS (network addressed storage). I can record with the ONE dvr and playback on other set top boxes. But I can’t pause/rewind live tv on the non-dvr boxes. Hrm. Total deal killer. Oh well. I can still get the faster internet speeds right? No. All or nothing. ARGH! That pissed me off. I would check the website repeatedly to see if I could order it seperately. I had money, I wanted to give it to you at&t. But no. More time passed and finally someone told me you can pick and choose what you want. SWEET! I placed my order for internet only U-verse on March 10th, to be installed on Martch 18th (due to high demand in my area). I knew I could get it because a) the website told me I could b) at&t dug up the end of my street and did….stuff…to the big box months ago. Now, as we all know, that don’t mean shit. They called to confirm no less than three times, sent a postcard, a letter and two emails. By God, something was happening on the 18th. Whether it meant I was getting hooked up or the tech would show and say “whoopsie! too far from the fiber drop!” I would not know until the 18th. Between 12 and 2. For a 4-6 hour install. Blargh.

I leave work around noon. Thinking, if they call while I’m on my way home, no biggie. They usually call 30 minutes beforehand. I get home, have lunch and wait. And wait. And wait. 2:30pm I get a call from the installer. “Be there in 30 minutes.” Okay. At 2:45 he rings the doorbell. We discuss where I wanted the drop (where the old drop was) and he headed out to the big box at the end of the street. He comes back about 30 minutes later and futzes around with the box on the side of the house. That’s another 45 or so minutes. Damn, they weren’t kidding about the install times. The guy at least looked like he knew what was going on. Then he comes inside and does…stuff…to the jack and sets up the biggest goddamn consumer modem I’ve ever seen. I’ll take pictures for comparison later. He verifies that I can get connected and register and all that. He hands me a packet with information that is about 90% tv stuff. Not his fault. He also tells me he filed a trouble ticket to get my outside lines reinstalled/fixed since they were old and it would probably stop me from getting a full 18 down I ordered (he has never seen anyone get a full 18 down). It is now 5pm. He leaves and I go about adjusting my network to my needs. I run a speed test. 17.5 down, almost a full 2 up. Fuck. Yes. So. Internet only installs, no extra jacks, no weirdness, with a guy who seems to know what’s up: about 2 hours. And yes, you can use your own router behind the gateway.

Thank you, at&t for letting me give you money for what I want and not have to play the “I want it all–oops, cancel TV and leave internet, k thx” game.

Open Letter To Toshiba

Dear Toshiba,

In May of 2006, I purchased one of your lovely DLP tvs. Tico the tv and I have had wonderful times together. To date it has not suffered from the encroaching shadow defect, which I worried about. It is a wonderful display, yea verily. Being a DLP, I knew the day would come when I would have to replace the bulb. Nothing lasts forever. In January 2009 it began to flicker from dim to low power (I always kept the bulb on low power). Not always but enough to make you think you were a) having a stroke or b) the tv was screwy. By this point, I looked up how many hours the bulb had: 5058. So it had a good life. Once it bothered us enough, I finally called the warranty service and scored a bulb. The day I called, the tv stopped flickering. Completely. The bulb arrived later that week and I put it out of the way and out of my mind. Finally, last night, I came home from class and see the red light flashing. My poor tv was in distress. I get the new lamp which came with a manual, two screwdrivers and a flashlight. The only thing easier than replacing this lamp was changing a bulb in a table lamp with no shade. Open door, unscrew lamp, remove lamp (by the handle!), replace lamp, screw in lamp, close door. 10 minutes only because I couldn’t get right behind my tv and had to kinda hunch around it. A 6 year old could have done this. So, thank you Toshiba for making a tv with a dead simple lamp replacement process.

And, no, I did not get to hear my tv “cry” for help. 🙁

Economic Stimulus

So another Black Friday has come and gone and as usual I went out with my mom for some power shopping (sis stayed home to sleep or something. Although she did get up long enough to wake my mom up). Some of you might think I’m fucking nuts for going out on this day. Probably, but when we’re prepared (lists, target stores and items) we knock out items for at least 7 kids in one go. We do not stand in line waiting for stores to open, and we most certainly do not camp overnight. If what we wanted is gone by the time we get there, then it’s gone and we move on. For the past couple of years, we have had tremendous luck with Kohl’s. They commonly have Fisher Price and other name brands on sale for 40-60% off. This year was no different, but we didn’t like anything they had. It was “we got him/her that last year. He’s too old, she’s too young for that item.” And if we found something we liked, we would look at the checkout line. No, this/these items are not worth an hour in line. So, we moved on to Target. Oh Target how I love you. I got a girlie Video Journal for an 8 year old girl for $17 regular price. It was $25.99 at Kohl’s on sale. Their stocks were plentiful and the sections didn’t look like a hurricane had hit it. We even checked out in mere minutes rather than hours. was glorious.

But IKEA…Oh IKEA. I saw this easel at IKEA. A kid’s easel. It has a blackboard on one side, a whiteboard on the other and can take a roll of drawing paper (that they also sell). It was a Saturday only special. A $25 easel for $10. I thought, great, I’ll get it for someone’s kid. IKEA opens at 10 for shopping, 9 for eating. I show up at 9:40 and follow the herd (????) back to the restaurant…where there was a group of people waiting for the rest of the store to open. Whut? I take my place and just…wait. Some of you saw my tweet. Hordes of people start appearing, most with rolls of paper and markers in their baskets. I think, all these people can’t possibly want a damn easel, right? Oh my my. The worker at the front made her announcements “Hey, we open in 5 minutes, we will lead you to where the easels are (what??). We will not tolerate any fighting, running, or shoving. We WILL escort you out!”. Okay, what the fuck. It’s a goddamn easel not a fucking TV!! It was surreal. I got two of the damn things (way bigger than I though) and two rolls of paper and got the hell out of there. It wasn’t crazy crowded or anything, I was just dumbfounded. It’s AN EASEL for christsakes! This is the ONLY THING I managed to “line up” for this shopping weekend.

And I didn’t even mean to.

Netflix Wants Their $1

So, it’s official. Netflix has started notifying users that they want another $1 for the priviledge of renting BluRay disc. Because they’re more expensive than regular DVDs. For something like CLash of the Titans, perhaps. What’s that run, $5.99? What about Pirates of the Carribean 3: Johnny Depp Strikes Back (or whatever the fuck that movie was called)? Last time I checked, Fry’s wanted $25 for the standard disc, $26 for the Blu Ray. That’s not vastly more expensive. It’s a dollar extra. And I could own it. But an extra dollar for renting it? Retarded. The last 2 BD discs that graced our house in the familiar red envelope was Spiderwick Chronicles (very pretty) and Postal. Motherfucking Postal. That is NOT worth a goddamn dollar extra.

This makes me grumpy. Yes, it’s only a dollar, but it’s MY damn dollar. And TV tells me that a dollar is a Double Stack from Wendy’s and therefore, valued quite highly. I think it’s all a scheme to get their money back for trying to support both BD and HD-DVD. I’m already paying for backing a losing horse, I don’t need to pay for your mistakes, too.

Dear HPQ Stock


Would you hurry the fuck up and recover? I’m fucking poor (in the republican party’s eyes) and like buying shit. So, you know, make with the stock price increase. I got options I need to exercise.

Material Things

I am a consumer whore. You all know that. You’ve been to my house, you’ve been with me on shopping trips. And at least one of you was around for my eBay obsession (electronic gadgety crap from Japan? Yes please!).

So why do I bring this up now? I have a little bit of cash I need to get off of a prepaid debit card thing. Now, I could do the sensible thing like withdraw it from an ATM and, like, save it. I should be in full blown hoarding mode now that I have a regular paycheck coming in (yes, I finally got paid. I fucking hate timesheets.), but it’s just a little bit of money. less than $200. So I decided to blow it on something really useless. Not a need, not a I’ve-always-wanted-one, but a truly “hey, that looks kinda neat and almost impractical” buy. I found it. The Polaroid PoGo.

“But, Topenga”, you cry “It’s a portable photo printer! How could that be impractical? You can print on the go!”. Oh my. It is a portable photo printer, yes. It has an internal battery! It weighs less than a pound! It usues special film! What? It’s a Polaroid. Of COURSE it uses special film! It’s a technology called ZINK: Zero Ink. Just like the old Polaroid we knew and loved, you buy film packs and it develops it on its own. Cool right? You can get packs of 30 prints ($9.99) and the charge on the printer lasts for 15. *doh*

But wait, there’s more! It can connect to your cell phone! But not your iPhone (I don’t have an iPhone, so, no biggie). And we all know about the stellar quality of cell phone pics. Not that great. The image size is another issue. It doesn’t print common 4″x6″ prints. It outputs 2″x3″ sticker photos. So know you’re thinking “why in the FUCK would you want that?” And I reply “I have bought stupider shit.” For instance:

1) The Polaroid i-Zone instant camera. It took tiny ass pictures. You might remember a commercial with a kid walking down the hall of a school, flashing the peace sign and later they reveal that he has a picture on each finger of…people. Yeah. I almost went so far as to buy the scanner that went with it. No shit. I, however, thought it was neat! Of course I did. It was an electronic gadget and I had to have it.

2) Next on the list: The Polaroid P-500 Photo Printer (seeing a trend?). It was a printer that took no batteries, no wall power, no nothing. Just the power of a Polaroid film pack. I could put my Smart Media (!!!!) card from my oh so hot 1.3mp camera in the slot on the side, select which print (no LCD screen, you had to do it by number or mark the image in the camera), and hit the button. It was like taking a Polaroid picture of a picture. It was weird. I played around with it, but, meh, it was not as exciting as the i-Zone.

3) A 35mm Pokemon camera. Really. It took regular 35mm film and when developed, a “cool” border appeared around your picture with all (at the time) 151 pokemon. Out of the one and only roll of film I used in that camera, one shot looked neat. It was of an ornament (maybe pokemon related) on the Christmas tree. It looked really cool. I might even have the picture still.

4) Sony Data Discman. It was one of the first eBook readers. Your books were on data cartridges, thicker than floppies. I actually bought TWO. One for the reader, the other because it came in a lot with like 8 discs. I used it, I swear to God, for all of 2 hours total. TOTAL. I can’t even remember why I got it. This was, again, during my “eBay is the BEST!” phase.

This is but a small sampling of useless crap I have aquired over the years. I might start a new page of obsolete, why in the fuck did I buy that, stuff. Because there’s more. Oh so much more.