Category: twitter

Twitter Updates for 2009-11-10

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Twitter Updates for 2009-11-08

  • For the love of GOD, if there's a damn README…Fucking read it! *sigh* #
  • I think my new "what did you just say" what will be in French. INot just "Quoi?" but an @eddieizzard "Quoi". #

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Twitter Updates for 2009-11-07

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Twitter Updates for 2009-11-06

  • Carly Fiorina is running for U.S. Senate. hooooly fucking shit. #
  • Carly is responsible for HP buying Compaq. And HP stock price dropping to $11. Fuck her and her 5 jets but no raises. #
  • If you're going to lauh like a goddamn hyena, at least do the rest of us a courtesy and shut your fucking door. #
  • See! I'm so disturbed and bothered I can't even spell simple words like "laugh" #
  • RT @HeatherAckmann: "T-Mobile Says Software Error Cause Service Outage": #
  • RT @austinmills: The Wu-Note Project: Wu-Tang album covers from the jazz era: #
  • A salad is like a promissory note for food. Not this salad. #
  • This salad is like an I.O.U. from that uncle who always borrows money and says he'll pay you back, but he never does. He never does. #
  • RT @MrsStephenFry: Remember, remember, the fifth Jackson member . . . #
  • 53 pounds of canning jars on their way to mu house…53. 2 boxes. Oh lord what have I gotten myself into? #

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Twitter Updates for 2009-11-05

  • RT @jcfwb: It turns out that "What's up?" is an inappropriate greeting in the men's room. #thingswomenneverknew #
  • Austinites: why is 360 northbound backed up? #
  • Nevermind. Just saw the accident. Hope no one was seriously hurt. #
  • Project due 12/10: assigned an hour ago. Hmwk due 11/18: assigned an hour ago. Hmwk due 11/10: assigned yesterday. Long weekend. #

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Twitter Updates for 2009-11-04

  • If you ask me a question, shut the fuck up and let me answer it. #
  • "Stop, don't touch me there! You know this is my no-no square," #
  • Someone just asked me if I knew what being goatse'd was. *sigh* yeah, almost ten years ago…. #
  • – Don't forget, dag nabbit! #

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Twitter Updates for 2009-11-02

  • I think my liver hurts. I'm not too sure. Or I pulled a muscle. I'm betting liver, though. I did some drinkin'… #
  • RT @statesman: Sprint is bringing its 4G cell network to Austin. Apparently, it will be able to stream HDTV #
  • What? RT @qikipedia: Barack Obama is related to every US president in history except for Martin Van Buren. #

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Twitter Updates for 2009-11-02

  • Dear dicks who stole my zombie coming out of the ground statue thing: feel free to die in a goddamn fire. And thanks for leaving the arm. #
  • Just took a survey about new Disney Princess movie, had to restrain myself from using mass quantities of profanity. #

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Twitter Updates for 2009-10-31

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Twitter Updates for 2009-10-30

  • RT @google: It was 40 yrs ago today: ARPANET transmitted first message between computers. @forbes_magazine quiz: #
  • At some point yesterday I swallowed a bear. An angry, growling, whining, loud-at-inapproriate-times bear. #pardonmystomach #
  • CS graduate school students: the only people I've ever seen who can't fucking use Google. My mom can google for shit, why can't you? #

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