Category: twitter

Twitter Updates for 2010-07-08

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Twitter Updates for 2010-07-07

  • Holy. Shit. It took 4 emails and 3 *different* websites to change my intranet password. #
  • And there wasn't anything wrong. This appears to be standard operating procedure. Oh, and there's no single sign-on. #
  • Yes, I work for a global tech company. Why do you ask? #
  • Welp. Upgraded our GUI test scripting software. New version no longer supports Perl. The language I use. Must learn Python,TCL, javascript #

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Twitter Updates for 2010-07-06

  • Dreamed that I got a nintendo 3DS at launch. It was $578. I hope that part doesn't come true. #
  • I'm at Red Lobster. #

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Twitter Updates for 2010-07-05

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Twitter Updates for 2010-07-04

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Twitter Updates for 2010-07-02

  • Dear Lotus Notes 8.5, Fuck. You. Sincerely, everyone who has ever had to use you. #
  • My PodPhone has declared it Eminem day. Eminem almost sounds like a little kid on the Slim Shady LP. wow. #
  • I wish I could beat this script into obeying me. It's not like I can give it a timeout. That shit don't work. #
  • When drummers fidget they drum on everything. Including shared cube walls. Yes, of course I like having my whole desk shake. #distracted #
  • Yes, I am indeed dicking around with these damn automated test scripts again. #

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Twitter Updates for 2010-07-01

  • Payday: the most wonderful day. Until I have to pay bills. Then I get all bummed out and stuff. *sigh* #
  • Dell knowingly ships 12million bad computers. 1000 of which went to the law firm defending them HAH! #

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Twitter Updates for 2010-06-30

  • What the hell? Google just disabled my accounts. #
  • Wow! Something tried to spam my contacts list! Holy-sorta-hacked, Batman! #
  • AHA! Some Belgian motherfucker accessed my account about 33 minutes ago. Spamming fuck. #
  • RT @nerdyface: If this is true : I will leave ATT and Apple and never buy from either ever again. #
  • I'm at Costco (10401 N. Research Blvd., At Braker, Austin). #

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Twitter Updates for 2010-06-29

  • I just asked if it was okay that the non-dairy creamers were getting warm sitting on top of the microwave. #
  • I asked that mere seconds before dumping them into my piping hot coffee. *sigh* #

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Twitter Updates for 2010-06-28

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